Take personal fitness training or specialized individual instruction in any art listed above or learn information about other special individual programs. Also be sure to check our website from time to time for announcements of the scheduling of special seminars on diverse topics.

Private Martial Arts, Yoga, or Music Lessons

Instructors of the group courses listed above are also available for one on one private instruction by the hour in their respective arts as well as other specialized disciplines not specifically offered under group format. To book a private session or to inquire about package rates, address a query to the individual instructor through our general site Contact page.

Personal Training for Fitness

Intended specifically for the purpose of weight loss, cardiovascular health, toning and strength gain, or endurance, these isometric, plyometric, or aerobic routines are provided through individual guidance by Master Michael Dunchok (CPT) or Nina Raab (CPT). Hour long sessions are available for scheduling at the Ancient Arts Center or at your home or office gym.

Special Training in Archery

Learn the basics of traditional archery on indoor targets at Ancient Arts Dojang. Archery is a practice covered during the course of study of Kuk Sool Kwan, but a private scheduled lesson in archery can be offered to anyone of any experience level regardless of involvement in martial arts training. Learn correct shooting posture, anchoring, sighting, and terminology such as different types of draws, bows, and historical uses. Bring your own equipment or try our traditional Korean bows, indigenous bows, modern recurve bows, or the European style longbow all without the benefit of pulleys, sights, and lasers. A fun experience for groups of up to 5 people, including children aged 6 and up. Sessions can be scheduled with Master Mike Dunchok or with Tina Tsan.

Private Training in Qigong and Meditation

Receive guided instruction in the ways and methods of qigong, an oriental form of energy meditation, from either a Korean or a Chinese perspective. Learn qigong methods for health and longevity, stress reduction and mental clarity, or for martial applications. Sessions can be scheduled with Master Mike Dunchok or Sifu Ho Nan Jie.